Samson A Johnson

Astronomer (he/him)

CV -- ADS Library
samson.a.johnson@jpl.nasa.govu --

Work with MINERVA

MINERVA (the MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array) is an array of four 0.7meter telescopes searching for exoplanets using the radial velocity technique. I worked on the dispatch scheduling alghorithm for the array during my undergrad at the University of Montana with Nate McCrady. I also worked to help automate the robotic observatory, and wrote a lot of the control software with Jason Eastman from 2015-2016 between undergrad and grad scool at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. I helped with the installation of the spectrograph, and spend around 9 weeks total at the Fred Lawernce Whipple Observatory.

Here is a link to the MINERVA website.

Here is a link to the MINERVA control software Github repository. There is a ton here, from routines for controllling the telescopes and imagers to down to the power distribution units (PDUs).